About Rosemary O'Brien, Author

Author of 7 books including a successful guide to pocket parks in New York City, a self-help guide to deal with cancer with grace, a book of my poetry and novels. I write paranormal mystery and women's fiction.


 I’m being interviewed on an internet talk radio show today. Join me today, Tuesday, April 2nd, at 1pm Eastern time at .http://www.blogtalkradio.com/consciousdiscussions/2013/04/02/world-of-writing-with-rosemary-obrien. It will be podcasted, too, if you want to check it out another time.

We will be talking about the writing life, working as a writer, etc. Comments about my interview are always welcome. That’s how I make my public speaking engagements better and more helpful for my readers.

Create, market and deliver your ebook with ease

Let me say up front I will receive compensation for sales of this product, but I could not pass up this opportunity to tell you about MyEbookMaster.com. For a $14.95 per month, they help you get your ebook uploaded on a universal ebook format in just minutes. The best part is you can also upload it from your computer in various formats such as a .doc, .pdf or use their built-in editor. The service also includes automatic ebook delivery and built-in marketing which includes library and search engine listings.

Their 15-day trial period makes it a no-brainer. If you want to self-publish, this is much easier than uploading your books to a variety of publisher using a variety of formats. This reduces the learning curve big time!

They are currently running a 15-day trial for only $4.95. Spend the cost of a large latte and try it yourself. Click on MyEbookMaster.com and become a self-published author in minutes.

My entry for the Brooklyn Art Library’s Fiction Project 2011 has been digitized and posted. Click on the link to check it out online (and in person if you want!) and let me know what you think. It’s very rough. The words were important and I’m no visual artist!

If you want to view my entry in person, it is on permanent display at the Brooklyn Art Library in Brooklyn, NY.

Only 4 days to go…

Pocket Parks of NYC will be published, but it would be great get the boost from Kickstarter.com. You see, the funding deadline is a mere four days away (August 1st). On that date, Kickstarter will drop it and I will have to go it alone unless I can get the rest of the funding, a little under $1000. If you know anyone whose business or life might be made better by aligning themselves with my project, please send them this link: http://pocketparksnyc.blogspot.com. That link will direct them to the Kickstarter pledge page if it’s before August 1st. If it is after that date, they can donate to my PayPal account.

Pocket Parks are just about the coolest things in NYC, in my opinion. In the middle of loudness and bustling activity, there are these nooks of peace. Hey! Maybe that’s what I’ll call the book, “Nooks of Peace!”

Not really, but send this around anyway for the sake of a fantastically original idea.

Thanks in advance,




August 1st deadline to fund a dream

I have 11 days to go to fund my pocket parks project on Kickstarter.com. Check out my video at

The page and the video say it all. These little parks between buildings are unique and I want to locate all of them and then tell their story. The book, website and app will be there for travellers to New York City and, I hope, other cities in the world.

What began as a way to utilize space for the common good of New York City’s has turned into community gardens, urban plazas and ways to immortalize fallen heroes and those we love. Regardless of the success of my Kickstarter.com funding efforts, I plan on becoming the authority on pocket parks, community gardens and urban plazas in New York City (and, in the future, other places). If you know of any cool little resting places open to the public in Manhattan, please send me the address and a simple photo so I have an idea of what I am looking for.

For more info, go to the Kickstarter.com site or to my other blog called – what else? – Pocket Parks of NYC http://pocketparksnyc.blogspot.com/.

